Detective Chick
I found this publication at Parkland College library. The name of this book is called Legal Tender by Lisa Scottoline.
The layout for the cover shows the author placed towards the top and the title towards the bottom. The designer emphasis the words “Legal Tender” to make it look mysterious. The author for the book is colored white. The white spacing is passive because it’s centered on the cover. The image shows a woman walking towards the sidewalk. Part of her face and feet are cut off the page. Her lips, upper legs and chest are being shown. She wears a red jacket, black shirt and pants, which remains me of Carmen Sandigo. The spacing and proportion are evenly spaced. The name of the author is white, and the title of the book is purple. The type that’s being used is Helvetica sans-serif and the style is all caps. I can also see Times New Roman serif and the styles are italic and regular.
What attracted me about this piece is the feminine, trendy and serious look.
Parkland College Library
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